Dipl.-Ing. Moritz Wenzel, phd
Structural Engineer at WENZEL Consulting Engineers GmbH
Year of Birth:
German, English, Italian
Ph.D. in Structural Dynamics
University of Trento, Italy
Master Degree, Civil Engineering
Technical University of Vienna
Bachelor Degree, Civil Engineering
Technical University of Vienna
Structural Engineer at WENZEL Consulting Engineers GmbH, Data analysis in SHM and check engineering for bridge projects
since 2020
PhD Researcher at University of Trento, Investigations in structural dynamics and performance based earthquake engineering.
Internship at CCE Birla Carbon, investigating vibrations in black carbon process equipment.
Internship at IGF Ingenieurs Gesellschaft Fischbach, Design and conceptualisation of 3D steel frame structures.
Structural Engineer at Waagner-Biro Bridge Systems
2013 - 2016
Moritz Wenzel has worked bridge engineering projects since his teenage years. Taking advantage of his roots, he was able to develop a good understanding for technical problems and practical civil engineering solutions early on. During his PhD, he focused on deepening his understanding for complex dynamic problems and sophisticated data analysis through Python. He is currently working on major bridge projects in India, Costa Rica and other parts of the world, and is looking into the assessment of existing bridges through structural health monitoring systems. Outside his company obligations he is part of a research effort studying high-speed cable cars.
Focuses of Expertise and Activities:
Structural dynamics, performance based earth quake engineering, seismic hazard analysis, structural health monitoring, Life Cycle Engineering (LCA & LCC),
Major Research Projects:
2016 – 2020: XP-Resilience
Project Reference: 721816
Call: H2020-MSCA- ITN-2016
Period: 09/2016 - 08/2020
To implement and support the Seveso II Directive 2012/18/EU which regulates the control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances (European Parliament, 2012), XP-RESILIENCE intends to establish a network of individual research projects working towards Advanced Modelling and Protection –via metamaterial-based isolators/layouts- of Complex Engineering Systems for Disaster Reduction and Resilient Communities.
Main Results: Innovative matamaterial-based seismic isolation systems. Probabilistic methods for seismic risk assessment.
Winner of the Rudy Scavuzzo price at the 2018 AMSE conference on Pressure Vessels and Piping Systems for the best PhD conference paper. (1) (denoted with 1200$)
1.Place at the "CO_BE" (Cost Benefits of Integrated Planning) competition. (denoted with 300e)
Vincenzo La Salandra, Moritz Wenzel, Oreste S. Bursi, Giorgio Carta, and Alexan- der B. Movchan. “Conception of a 3D metamaterial-based foundation for static and seismic protection of fuel storage tanks”. In: Frontiers in Materials 4 (2017).
Francesco Basone, Moritz Wenzel, Oreste S. Bursi, and Marinella Fossetti. “Finite locally resonant Metafoundations for the seismic protection of fuel storage tanks”. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 48.2 (2019).
Moritz Wenzel, Francesco Basone, and Oreste S. Bursi. “Design of a Metamaterial- Based Foundation for Fuel Storage Tanks and Experimental Evaluation of Its Ef- fect on a Connected Pipeline System”. In: Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 142.021903-1 (2020).
Moritz Wenzel, Oreste S. Bursi, and Ioannis Antoniadis. “Optimal finite locally reso- nant metafoundations enhanced with nonlinear negative stiffness elements for seis- mic protection of large storage tanks”. In: Journal of Sound and Vibration 483.115488 (2020).
Saeed Babanajad, Yun Bai, Helmut Wenzel, Moritz Wenzel, Hooman Parvardeh, Ali Rezvani, Robert Zobel, Franklin Moon, and Ali Maher. “Life Cycle Assessment Frame- work for the U.S. Bridge Inventory”. In: Transportation Research Record 2672.12 (2018).
Moritz Wenzel. “Development of a Metamaterial-Based Foundation System for the Seismic Protection of Fuel Storage Tanks”. PhD thesis. Trento, 2020.
Conference Papers
M. Wenzel, F. Basone, O.S. Bursi, (2018). “ Novel Metamaterial- Based Foundation Concept Applied to a Coupled Tank-Pipeline Sys- tem”, ASME 2018 Pressure Vessels and Piping Con- ference. Awarded with the Rudy Scavuzzo Price.
H. Crowley, D. Rodrigues, V. Silva, V. Despotaki, X. Romao, J.M. Castro, S. Akkar, U. Hancilar, K. Pitilakis, D. Pitilakis, M. Belvaux, S. Wiemer, L. Danciu, A.A. Correia, O.S. Bursi, M. Wenzel. (2018). “ Towards a Uniform Earthquake Risk Model for Europe”, 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece.M. Wenzel, O.S. Bursi, (2018). ”Metamaterial-Based Foundation System for the Seismic Isola- tion of Fuel Storage Tanks”, 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessa- loniki, Greece.
M. Wenzel, R. Andreotti, O.S. Bursi, (2019). ”Metamaterial-Based Foundation System En- dowed with Non-Linear Oscillators for the Protection of Fuel Storage Tanks”, International Workshop on Multiscale Innovative Materials and Structures - MIMS19, Cetara, Amalfi Coast, Italy.M. Wenzel, O.S. Bursi, (2019). ”Seismische Metamaterialien - Ein neuer Trend im Erdbebenin- genieurwesen und die Entwicklung eines auf Metamaterialien Basierenden Fundaments” [Seis- mic Metamaterials - A new trend in seismic engineering and the development of a Metamaterial- Based Foundation], 16. D-A-CH Tagung Erdbebeningenieurwesen & Baudynamik (D-A-CH 2019), Innsbruck, Austria.
G. Karagiannakis, M. Wenzel, P. Kowalczyk, M. Farhan, A. Zhelyazkov, F. Celano, S. Capri- nozzi, M. Pedot, B. Kalemi, H. K. Bennani, N. Graine, L. E. Vasquez Munoz, J. Randaxhe , M. J. Mahesh, (2020). ”Seismic Risk and Resilience Assessment of Industrial Facilities: Case Study on a Black Carbon Plant”, 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering 17WCEE, Sendai, Japan.